
4 Reasons Your Customers Aren’t Reading Your B2B Blog Posts

There are two truths that many B2B companies are taking to heart: B2B content marketing works, and it works at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising models. But when you take on a content marketing program for your company, it can be frustrating to pluck away at your keyboard, typing up post after […]

Content Marketing World #CMWorld Twitter Chat Recap 7/1

Yes, I know I’ve been slacking. I missed the last two weeks of #CMWorld Twitter Chats — but I promise I have a good excuse. My wife and I welcomed our first child (a baby girl named Penelope Alice), and I’ve been rather preoccupied. Will you ever forgive me? I hope so, because although I […]

6 Ways to Be the Best Guide on the B2B Buyer Journey

In the past three years, the B2B buyer’s journey has gotten longer – in fact, buyers are getting further into the process before even speaking to a sales person – as much as 90% of the way through the process. Usually, that’s because they’re simply looking for information about their own problems and obstacles, rather […]

How to Build B2B Company Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership is one of those buzzwords making the rounds of B2B organizations today. People talk about “being” a thought leader, and wanting to do “thought leadership marketing”, but what does that really mean? We recently talked to Paul Dunay, a Financial Services ​Marketing Leader for PwC, about this very thing in an upcoming B2B […]

The Future of Content Marketing

Few ideas have captured B2B marketers’ attention like content marketing. It’s one of the few ideas that has made an almost effortless transition from the consumer world. B2B marketers are realizing that they’ve got stories to tell, and that their audience is listening. Nothing drives this point home more than Content Marketing World. Put on […]